If you have ever been on a trade show floor one hour after the show closes you have seen the amazing amount of waste. There is paper, cardboard, all sorts of giveaways, lumber…you name it. Once, I even saw koi fish that had been on display in a booth. Trade shows and expositions are often the component of a conference or event that has the most significant impact on the environment. Exhibitions use large amounts of energy, require considerable transportation, and generate a tremendous amount of waste—all of which affect the health of the planet.
In fact, statistics show us one three-day conference-trade show with 500 booths is estimated to use:
- 617,000 KwH electricity
- 28,000 therms natural gas
- 376,000 gallons of fuel
And produces 8 million tons of carbon dioxide! Now that is one big carbon footprint!
There are really four parties who can work together to minimize this footprint: the facility, the general services contractor, the exhibitors and the planner. As the meeting planner, here are a few things I ask our exhibitors to do:
- Participate in the facility’s recycling program as well as donate locally. Remember to train your booth staff to assist with this process.
- Minimize packaging materials on all booth items and use environmentally responsible packing materials.
- Avoid large quantities of collateral. Provide information electronically whenever possible.
- If printed materials can’t be avoided, they should use vegetable-based ink and 30% minimum post-consumer, recycled paper.
- Provide environmentally responsible giveaways and ensure they are not made from endangered or threatened species (you wouldn’t think we would have to say that).
- Design displays to be made with environmentally responsible materials including energy efficient lighting.
- Make signage from recycled materials and reuse or donate it after the show.
- Minimize transportation to and from show site. Use bio-diesel fueled or alternative fuel trucks. - Offset transportation emissions with a carbon offset program.
Exhibitors are your partners in the greening of the exhibit hall--enroll and entice them. Watch for my next blog on how to do just that!