Want to make a green meeting manager swoon during their visit to your hotel? Interested in a new version of the VIP treatment? Want to avoid potential "landmines?" We offer up these tips for hotels based on our actual site inspections over the past six months...
DO prepare your sustainability policies and present them without being prompted
DON'T copy those multi-page policies single-sided on glossy, virgin paper
DO show them the back-of-house recycling system
DON'T turn on the huge TV (to the
relaxing channel) and leave on the lights as a welcome
DO have a sheet and towel reuse program that works when they use it
DON'T leave unrequested ice in the bucket twice a day in an city with Level 2 drought water restrictions
DO ask if they want a morning paper instead of automatically hanging one on the doorknob in a plastic bag
DON'T forget to tell the rest of your staff you have environmental policies
DO check the room to make sure the light bulbs are energy efficient, they will
DON'T hesitate to take them to the employee cafeteria to see that management and housekeeping are treated equally
DO have some way to recycle in the sleeping room
DON'T have styrofoam cups with the in-room coffee maker
DO consider gifts aren't required, but if given should be useable and sustainable. Favorite example: a notebook made from post-consumer water bottles/food containers with hotel marketing materials made especially to fit into the front flap.
As you know, being a good host is learning about your guest and making them comfortable on the road.