Sunday, December 28, 2008

2008's Greenwashes of the Year

The Greenwash Brigade brings us a year in greenwashing and lists their favorites.

My personal favorite this year is the motorcoach company selling itself as “The Green Alternative.” Their promotions and website clearly stated this along with beautiful nature pictures. They were working very aggressively to get my endorsement so I asked them to send me their environmental policies. The firm said, Well...we are currently developing them and will send them to you when done." So I asked what makes them a “green alternative.” They said they annually plant trees to offset the carbon released by their fleet of motorcoaches during the year. Knowing that would require A LOT of trees to be planted, I asked how many they planted last year. Their response was that they hadn’t actually started planting trees, but were looking into it. Greenwashing at it’s finest!

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