Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Confessions...the Gift of Giving Back

In Indonesia’s West Java province, a law requires newly married couples to plant and care for five trees. The seedlings are generally brought by the bridegroom as a dowry for the bride. This initiative is an effort to repopulate the devastated rain forests.

What better time to start a tradition of caring for the Earth and it’s people than during a ceremony celebrating love and life? Western weddings can carry a heavy carbon footprint even with the best of intentions. The couple registering to receive even more stuff, just seems crazy.

Even if you say “no gifts” it seems as though people feel compelled to give you something. I understand, it is part of the tradition. Some of the gifts we have received come in the form of a friend making delicious desserts for the wedding, or running errands before the event, or managing duties during the ceremony (don't forget I know a lot of event professionals), or arranging a brunch the day after for our out-of-town family--the list goes on. These are incredibly special for both of us.

Still committed to a gift in the form of a crock pot, towels or money, others were asked instead to donate to the Oregon Food Bank. Although there are many good causes to choose from, feeding the hungry in our local community is essential to us with children comprising 36% of people eating meals from emergency food boxes. In addition, our area continues to be ravaged by high unemployment rates and an extreme lack of food available for donation.

To date, our food bank wedding “gifts” will provide emergency meals for 3,256 hungry people. My thanks to all of you--we are grateful and honored!

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