Thursday, December 15, 2011

You Do The Math

photo of strawberries by Nancy Zavada
According to the National Restaurant Association's list of Top 20 Menu Trends of 2012 (as reported by Successful Meetings) sustainable food takes the cake for the upcoming year.

Take a quick count of how many on this list are also green meeting initiatives. Hint: you will need both hands.

According to the NRA's survey, the top menu trends for next year will be:

1. Locally sourced meats and seafood
2. Locally grown produce
3. Healthful kids' meals
4. Hyper-local items
5. Sustainability as a culinary theme
6. Children's nutrition as a culinary theme
7. Gluten-free/food allergy-conscious items
8. Locally produced wine and beer
9. Sustainable seafood
10. Whole grain items in kids' meals
11. Newly fabricated cuts of meat
12. Farm/estate-branded items
13. Food trucks/street food
14. Artisan spirits
15. House-made/artisan ice cream
16. Health/nutrition as a culinary theme
17. Non-traditional fish
18. Fruit/vegetable kids' side items
19. Children's mini-meals (i.e. smaller versions of adult menu items)
20. Culinary cocktails

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