Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sustainability Quotes for Reuse

Sometimes it is one line of a speech or a sentence uttered in a hallway which provides all the inspiration you need.  I offer here, my collection of sustainable meetings related quotes, overheard at the Green Meeting Industry Council's Sustainable Meetings Conference:
"Sustainability is still a beta test." - Eric Ryan

"Don't forget to FLOSS (fresh, local, organic, seasonal, sustainable)." - Chef Steven Ward

"Get past the "holiday" mode of attendees while at an event." - group discussion

"What inspires you more than making money?" - Eric Ryan

"Share shamelessly." - Brian Hunt

"Sustainability: Meeting producers don't be left behind." - posted sign

"Hooray, the final standard, Accommodations, standard is published!  Now we can get going." - Amy Spatrisano and Lawrence Leonard

"I'd rather be a pirate than in the Navy." - Steve Jobs quote during a session

"Is it legal to donate leftover food?"  - question asked during a session.  Immediate and overwhelming response from the room, "YES!"

"We are all in this together."  Paul Salinger

"Make it personal.  Make it visible.  Make it possible." - Julie Baylor

...And my personal favorite,  "What would MacGyver do right now?"

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