Trimmed $1.4 million from our client's budgets through sustainable event practice recommendations.
That's what MeetGreen did in the last reporting period. Just the facts in our Corporate Report 2010. https://www.meetgreen.com/ In addition, we...
- Saved 1653 trees
- Prevented 63 trucks of trash from entering landfills
- Avoided emissions equivalent to taking 300 cars off the road for a year
- Saved enough energy to power 560 American homes for a year
- Eliminated 774,000 water bottles from the waste stream
- Conserved enough water to fill 3 Olympic-sized pools
- Helped 34 community groups
A huge THANK YOU to all of our stakeholders--clients, vendors, associates and teams who made this possible--because together we made a difference.
"Each of you knows at least one thing well. All of you together can make a village run." B.Ghosthorse
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